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Welcome to the MAYDAI WAY

MAYDAI, allows its participants to mentally access their desired automatic impulses by optimizing regulatory experiences using the scientific medically based neurological approach of NMT(Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics).


What is NMT

The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics created by world wide renowned psychiatrist Bruce Perry is a scientific Medically based neurological approach that will match the appropriate treatment intervention to the client and their current needs. It is important to note that NMT is not an intervention or technique, rather it provides a means of considering the best intervention for the client's functioning.


Informed Approach to providing Treatment

NMT identifies the appropriate treatment by matching the nature and timing of specific therapeutic techniques to the developmental stage, brain region, and neural networks mediating the neuropsychiatric problems.


Recognizing traditional mental health services rely a great deal on client self report. MAYDAI provides proven evidenced based support using the NMT Model, that will inform traditional treatment models and goals beyond treating symptoms and behaviors.


It has been previously stated that research supports next steps in current mental health practices and treatment approaches, that incorporate assessment tools such as NMT that integrate Neural networks.


Maydai Trauma Focused Clinical Research & Network Center is a mental health center focused on two ideological treatment philosophies based on prevention and intervention services.

  1. Prevention services are provided to individuals and organizations who would benefit most from psycho-education, workshop and seminar training on identifying crisis situations, how to develop a mentally sound workforce for job readiness, how trauma impacts daily living, practical life skills on how to remain emotionally and psychologically sound, and mental health coaching and emotional support to maintain health and wellness.

  2. Intervention services are primarily focused on empowering participants to reclaim their destinies and premorbid baseline functioning by identifying and gaining insight into negative behaviors, patterns of negative thinking, and emotional and psychological disruptions due to trauma histories, substance use disorders, genetic factors, environmental factors, as well as other areas of dysfunction that contribute to mental illness.


MayDai’s trauma recovery intervention services integrate three key components of race-based trauma within an evidenced based therapeutic framework for people of color.

  1. Identity: Helping individuals navigate the level of racial identity by which one may be accepting, rejecting, or neutral to one’s cultural, racial / ethnic, religious / spiritual, and societal norms for one’s in-group. Dr. Ward Cross’s Nigrescence Identity Model, Dr’s Sue and Sue Racial Identity Model, and other various theoretical approaches of Racial Socialization are incorporated into this race-based model in addition to the traditional evidenced based treatment modalities.

  2. Trauma: Helping individuals gain insight into emotional and psychological dysfunction based upon historical, cultural, communal, generational-familial, and individual traumatic events, and oppression. These events are uncovered within the context of applying the ACES study and Dr. Joy DeGruy’s PTSS models of trauma along with Dr. Judith Herman’s Trauma Recovery research.

  3. Neuroscience: Helping participants develop new neural pathways to increase emotional and psychological levels of functioning so individuals can either return to pre-existing or create new baseline productivity toward a quality of emotional and psychological well-being.

Welcome to the MAYDAI WAY: Text

Call or Email MAYDAI, Trauma Focused Clinical Network And Research Center LLC- for a free phone consultation now - (636) 492-1558 or (618) 530 0691

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